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Author Topic: holy/disc priest application  (Read 1516 times)

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Offline kaufi

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holy/disc priest application
« on: 23 October, 2011, 11:08:56 pm »
Applications type (social/raider): raider
Name: Emil Kauf
Age: 19
Country: Norway
What other games apart from WoW do you play?: call of duty, battlefield, Heroes of newearth etc.
A bit about yourself: My name is Emil and as I said im 19 years old. i work at a company called gmc, where we overhaul engines. at my spare time I usually play's some sort of game or hang with my friends

Character name: Kaufi
Class: Priest
Spec(s): Holy/disc
Level: 85
Professions: Inscription, Enchanting,archeology.
How often do you play WoW (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?: usually from to around 00.00 with small breaks in between.
What high level alts do you have?: Priest,Paladin, and lvling a lock


Do you have Mumble? (Voice communication is essential to our raiding, although it is not required to have a mic unless you apply as tank): Yes

List the relevant raiding add-ons you use:

for raid i use Dbm,bigbrother, guardian spirited,obituary,recount,prayer of mending tracker.

We expect all members to attend any raids with food and flasks to last the whole raid night and being repaired and ready to pull at 20.00

Our Raid times are from 20:00 to 0:00 server time with invites starting at 19:30; are you able to be available for the whole duration?
Thursday: Yes
Sunday: Yes
Monday: Yyes

Have you been in another guild?
Which one(s)? And why did you leave?Pillow,no scrub. I never played seriously in tbc and wotlk, but when cata came me and some friends startet our own guild and progressed in BoT and Bwd, but after about 6 months most of the players in our guild faction changed and so i left that guild and joined no scrub but they only focused on Pvp so i left that one 2 and took 5 months break and now i'm back ready to give all I have !
Please list your relevant raid experience, stating which encounters you have personal experience of at the current level cap:Ive done Bwd, and Bot , but i quit before FL was released so i have never actually done the bosses there, but I have watched many friends do it and seen all the tankspot movies so i know the tacs.


Now when you are done with the "basics", we want you to explain a little about different aspects of your character.

Why did you chose the class you are now playing and the professions you selected?: Well dunno why but am in love saving my partners ass:P I ve been doing that for quite a long time and to be honest i never get tired of that espeassially when we do progression and amazing heals is required and every phase must to be like perfect:P
my professions was kinda random..i just picked the ones that my guild needed the most.

Talent specialisation:
Would you be willing to change your build for the guild?: ofc
Do you have two viable PvE speccs?: yes both my holy and disc are built for PvE

Do you feel your character is sufficiently geared to compete in the Fireland encounters?: atm maybe some of the bosses. I havent got so mutch FL gear yet.
Where do you think your current equipment is lacking now?: got some 378 ilvl gear, but need alot more.

Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you?: i know djfishnet and one more, but i dont remember hes in game name.
Why you want to join MoX?: i miss the feeling being a member of a serious progressing guild with ppl that u can have a nice chat or have some fun.
What type of guild are you looking for? Progressive raiding and in the same time social guild with ppl that know when to be focused and when to be relaxed

What are your goals in wow, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?
Well my goals in wow is to try new contents as soon as they release and have the feeling of progression in difficult encounters where ppl show their skills. Meet with interesting ppl and exchange thoughs on many subjects. As for how long i plan to play wow i really dont know.. i still really enjoy playing wow but u never know what happens in life

Additional Information:

Confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the MoX Charter: Yes

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know?

I apologize for any spelling mistakes,  i tried my best.
Thx for having ur time reading my application and i hope u accept me so i can start knowing u all..

Offline szemere

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Re: holy/disc priest application
« Reply #1 on: 23 October, 2011, 11:28:04 pm »
Hello and thank you for applying to MoX.

Even though you do have experience prior to Firelands, which is a big plus, you do seem to lack quite some gear and experience from Firelands to actually join in on our main raid groups.
With never having been in Firelands yet, and falling far under the gear level we require for our current content, I think I can say we can't offer you a raider trial at the moment.

You can however choose to apply as a social member. Then you could join in on some of our social raids, get to know the guild and the encounters, and earn some gear. When you then have some better gear, you can then apply to become a raider.

I can understand just returning to WoW puts you a bit behind, but for now all we can offer you is a social trial in our guild.

Please let us know if you are still interested in joining MoX :)


Offline kaufi

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Re: holy/disc priest application
« Reply #2 on: 24 October, 2011, 12:00:46 am »
yeah i understand.
but im still interested in becoming a social member and then i'll apply again when my exp ang gear is better :)

Offline Kletsnat

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Re: holy/disc priest application
« Reply #3 on: 24 October, 2011, 12:37:52 am »
Alright well let us know when you're coming over and we'll explain you your trial and get you invited :)

Guildmaster of Artifex
Klets - Zipora - Segev - Sagiv

Offline kaufi

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Re: holy/disc priest application
« Reply #4 on: 24 October, 2011, 04:02:01 am »
i have migged and factionchanged now, my name is still kaufi

Offline Kletsnat

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Re: holy/disc priest application
« Reply #5 on: 26 October, 2011, 04:32:11 am »
Trial started: 2011/10/25

Good luck on your trial!
Guildmaster of Artifex
Klets - Zipora - Segev - Sagiv