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Author Topic: Tidow raider application  (Read 1778 times)

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Offline tidow

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Tidow raider application
« on: 23 August, 2011, 01:29:55 am »


Applications type (social/raider):
Name: Kai
What other games apart from WoW do you play?: League of legends and world of tanks
A bit about yourself: A 18 year old that has not got much to do than play games


Character name: Tidow
Class: Mage
Spec(s): Arcane Fire
Level: 85
Professions: Tailoring Alchemy
How often do you play WoW (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?: i play wow around 8-9 hours a week
What high level alts do you have?:85 pally 85 dk but dont think im going to transfer them


Do you have Teamspeak? (Voice communication is essential to our raiding, although it is not required to have a mic unless you apply as tank): yep and i can also speak if needed to

List the relevant raiding add-ons you use: BDM LUI OMEN Recount

We expect all members to attend any raids with food and flasks to last the whole raid night and being repaired and ready to pull at 20.00

Our Raid times are from 20:00 to 0:00 server time with invites starting at 19:30; are you able to be available for the whole duration?
Thursday: yes
Sunday: yes
Monday: yes

Have you been in another guild? Iraid
Which one(s)? And why did you leave?  i left it because of the server and the lack of people wanting to down the bosses and show up for the raid.

Please list your relevant raid experience, stating which encounters you have personal experience of at the current level cap:


Now when you are done with the "basics", we want you to explain a little about different aspects of your character.

Why did you chose the class you are now playing and the professions you selected?: i chose mage because mages have been very fun to play and my proffesions i chose them because they go very well with my class at the moment and provide me with the things i need

Talent specialisation:
Would you be willing to change your build for the guild?: Yes if we can get some progress from it
Do you have two viable PvE speccs?:yes arcane and fire

Do you feel your character is sufficiently geared to compete in the Fireland encounters?: yes i do
Where do you think your current equipment is lacking now?: in the 359 slots i currently have

Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you?: no but my friends morior jiil and katos and idiel are joining
Why you want to join MoX?: i heard that the guild is very good and has dedicated players
What type of guild are you looking for? a very good raiding guild that will make me happy

What are your goals in wow, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing? i want to achive downing atleast 7/7 normal and 6/7 hc

Additional Information:

Confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the MoX Charter: Yes

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know?
no thats pretty much it

« Last Edit: 23 August, 2011, 02:06:19 am by tidow »

Offline tidow

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Re: Tidow raider application
« Reply #1 on: 23 August, 2011, 01:32:22 am »

Offline Kletsnat

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Re: Tidow raider application
« Reply #2 on: 23 August, 2011, 02:04:42 am »
Hey Tidow,

You look like quite the ambitious guy, wanting to down 6/7 which I assume you meant as in heroic modes ;)
Let's hope we can get close to that before the next tier comes out :)

Whisper me, Joclemen or Muffintop in-game for an invite and we'll explain you your trial to you!


PS. Just a question out of curiousity, do you also actively play fire?
Guildmaster of Artifex
Klets - Zipora - Segev - Sagiv

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Re: Tidow raider application
« Reply #3 on: 23 August, 2011, 02:12:39 am »
yep fire was my main spec during 4.1 but in firelands i swapped to arcane because of the more damage you can output

Offline szemere

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Re: Tidow raider application
« Reply #4 on: 23 August, 2011, 07:55:38 pm »
A mage that has more than just an Arcane spec for raiding. Sounds great, looking forward to seeing you play:)

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Re: Tidow raider application
« Reply #5 on: 28 August, 2011, 02:11:52 pm »
Hey Tidow, I haven't seen you in the guild yet. Have you joined with a different name, or do you still have to migrate / be invited?

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Re: Tidow raider application
« Reply #6 on: 07 September, 2011, 01:18:39 am »
I asume, that just like the other 2 from Trollbane, you are still planning to come over sometime soon? Would love a tiny update :)

If I don't hear something, I think I'll log on Trollbane, and check on the guys from there, so we know what we should expect.

Offline Angeldeelite

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Re: Tidow raider application
« Reply #7 on: 08 September, 2011, 02:32:06 pm »
Application declined.
« Last Edit: 08 September, 2011, 02:37:20 pm by Angeldeelite »